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Your Songs

In response to my last post on getting teary when I heard “The Rose” by Bette Midler, I asked you to share songs that having special meaning to you. Thank you for sharing them and the stories that went with them. I’ve listened to all of these (with the recommended artists) and paid particular attention to the lyrics. Honestly,... read more
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Readers Comments

If you’d like to share something related to any of my blogs, just click on the contact button at the very top of the website and send along your message. Signs of Autumn From FS in San Diego Autumn is a good excuse to make a Julian apple pie run. From LA in the Bay area I know it is Fall when I can wear a scarf outside and not feel weird... read more
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New Additions to You Said

I love hearing from val’s road readers. Be sure to subscribe and new updates will automatically be sent to your email address. German Faux Pas from CS in CA When I was still living back in Germany many years ago, my home town was Nuremberg. Our neighbor city Fuerth used to have many US military camps. One day, I took the train from... read more
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What You Said

Thanks to everyone who took the emotional journey with me in the chapter “The Miami Incident.” If you haven’t read it yet, it is under the TraVal button now. Below are some excerpts on what You Said. Fights for Her Life too! from am in CA I loved this chapter!! Sorry I didn’t comment on your Italy chapter – just got too... read more