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Val’s Garden

I didn’t expect to ever write about my garden, because I don’t expect much from it. If anything grows, it is indeed a surprise as I have no natural gardening instincts. I know the basics: water, weed, feed and prune. Sometimes it works, most times it doesn’t. When a rose bush blooms and I can cut a bud to enjoy for a few days in a vase, I am satisfied.

Some of the plants follow their own beat. Right now, my poinsettia tree is bursting with red buds. I don’t think those buds are going to wait until winter to reveal themselves.

I have a couple of rogue tomato plants that grew out of our compost pile. The plants are long and spindly and the tomatoes are so little that a cherry tomato is a large cousin. BUT, they are delicious and sweet.

The hardy succulents have defied the odds. I don’t care for them in any way yet they send out their odd tall blossoms and the hummingbirds visit them often.

I have a couple of African violets on my kitchen sink. One is fairly robust and the other is close to death. As long as there is a hint of green, I won’t toss it. With only 4 small green leaves left, I am routing for its survival.

Early in the spring, one of my rose bushes went to all wood. I couldn’t move the large pot to the side yard so I planted a hibiscus in it. My neighbor has one, so I know they can survive the San Diego climate.

I looked out the dining room window the other day to watch a cat sneak across our yard. Our dogs have been gone for about a year, but the cats are still on the lookout for them. I didn’t watch the cat for too long because an orange yellow color caught my eye. I couldn’t believe it, the hibiscus had bloomed and it was gorgeous. I am not a nature photographer, but I had to capture them.

The Hibiscus Blooms

If you enjoy your garden and would like to share a photo of a plant that has “wowed” you, please email the photo and a short description to me at I’ll post them on July 4th. If you have taken a shot of something beautious and it wasn’t really “your” garden, you can send those too!