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Bowling is Fun(ny)

Several years ago I decided that I wanted to join a bowling league. And, surprise surprise, I qualified for a 50+ co-ed league. Bowling is a team (or should I say “tame”) sport that accommodates all skill levels because of the handicap points system. 

Over the years, I’ve had some extremely fun times at the bowling alley. I thought I’d share a few examples with you.

When you bowl three strikes in a row, it’s called a turkey. When a gal teammate accomplished this, I was so excited, I gave her a big hug. A guy on the other team witnessed this. Now, whenever he gets a turkey, he also expects a hug.  (Fortunately, this is a very rare event…)

To help another gal on my team improve her ball release, I told her “Keep your hand straight like you are reaching down the alley to touch Jesus.”  She picked up a spare and told me, “Thanks, Val.  I found Jesus.”  We were all praising Jesus for the rest of the game.

The fun extends outside the bowling alley. I recently visited my cardiologist. After running some tests, we had this conversation.

“You are the healthiest person here, how do you do it?” Dr. L said.

I sat up a bit straighter. “Well, I rarely eat meat. And for exercise, I walk often and bowl twice a week.”

After she finished laughing, she said, “You are the only person I’ve ever heard say that bowling is a form of exercise.”  

I’ve met some great folks over the years in my bowling league. Some bowlers are grouchy and I try my best to get them to lighten up.  After all, bowling might not be exercise for your body, but it is entertaining for your soul.