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Val’s Road Photo Contest

This year’s photo contest will be a little different from the past. I’m looking for shots (posed or natural) that include my novel Lost in The Ark with your pet. There are three categories with one winner in each. FunnyCuteFlippant If you’d like to submit your photos, here are the rules and prizes:RULES1. You must take the... read more
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Do you ever wonder about the origins of things in your life? This is especially interesting to ponder in the middle of the night when you can’t sleep. For example, I love passion fruit (thanks Chuao Chocolatier). Whenever I’m in nature and near shady trees, I look for ferns (thanks to my daughter). And the precise way I fold my towels, well I... read more
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Double Takes

I drove through a neighborhood yesterday and saw this lady in red.  It was raining and I thought, “What is she doing outside? It is freezing.”  I was concerned enough to pull over. Good grief, she’s a mannequin. Pretty weird Christmas decoration, but it’s funny. On the same trip, I saw a landscaping... read more
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Valsroad 2022 Book Club Choices

It’s the time of the year when the lovely ladies in my book club research books to vote on. After narrowing down the choices, I’m happy to share with you our reading list for 2022 (and a bit of 2023). We try to include books of many genres and hope you might add a few to your own reading list. If you’d like to see all the books plus... read more
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Opossum on a Stick

Early this morning, I looked out my window and saw a dark furry ball near the vegetable garden. I thought that a poor kitty got lost and was taking a nap. I went outside as quietly as I could and approached it. It didn’t move. Upon closer inspection, my sleeping kitty turned out to be an opossum. I immediately texted my husband and daughter... read more